I finally decided to give my blog a little update, not that it lacks any more lifedrawing..Orz..coughcough
I need to do more original things..Whenever I have urges to draw things I would be doing work and whenever I have the time I can't think of anything.
Anyways..Here are just some experimental lifedrawing-paintings I did during the last weeks of summer I had after coming back form the cottage. I well used my advantage of being in Toronto and went to TSA as much as possible=) I should have practiced my conte more..but then again it was one of my only chances to paint some bit before school started=D here it goes...
Oh wait.first two be the new found soul animal of Toronto Zoo..the beloved camel

I did this gouache-watercolor thing for about..2-3 sessions? the time should be written beside them..if not just either 1 or 5 or 10 or 15..xD should be able to tell

Experimenting with different methods is fun..=) the only inking tool I did use was Indian ink with dip pen. And now on I got smarter and brought watercolor pads instead of painting in the awesome but have-to-wait-to-dry moleskin watercolor booklet.
They are much bigger now in real life..=3=

Ah..now I have barely anything to update..ah..gotta work work hard and have more free time to do own studies!! PS: like studying the muscles.T^T
Painting assignment number one should be up soon hopefully=D Being completed right now..
Now time to sleep..v_v
I need better scheduling too for my own well being..Orz
These are awesome :O Especially the last two sets!
ReplyDeleteWow Elaine, these are really, REALLY impressive, awesome work.
ReplyDeleteI love them! especially the last one on the right :)
ReplyDeleteThese are amazing :O!! Keep it up!
ReplyDeleteWow... this are freaking amazing Elaine o.O...
ReplyDeleteAh...Thanks guys.D: