Now that I really think about it..normally I don't have a purpose to starting thinking of an environment to paint.o_o Other then projects obviously. In that sense, I think I still lack a passion for that or something..which career path am I really suited for I really don't know yet. But we will see. ( I can feel that I won't mind painting other people's layouts however.hmm..)

So first there was the first still life painting done in class.
The more I look at this now the more i like it..o_o I have to say partially is because how Maureen seem to have liked it more as well.xD Even though during the process I swear I literally stuffed it in my locker and just went wahtever done with it now. (proof: that big white string on the grape which is really a scratch...)
The two 2hours working on it in class it never really looked like anything..until later a days work on my own times. A process of working I should really remember and try to do for every other piece.

And this is a complete different lesson/process I should keep in mind to not learn from and ever do again. Seeing it so small and as a thumb..its not that bad..Especially the left bottle and its surroundings. And I blame also on the lighting and the thought of 'it is a still life painting' in my head. I really wish I could have went to the future and see all my classmates' paintings and how they played with compositions way more. But anyhow, most importantly, what i learned not to do is to paint objects one by one. I was literally painting every single color i see(which was alot) And was learning the texture through painting what i see of details first..but not really understanding the whole areas first and then putting down my patches of colors. And of course, working as a whole. Especially having been using acrylic paint for this one, I could have done that much more easily.

Master copy..easy and simple..experienced with painting with watery gouache. and also learned the beauty of the artworks of the Pinocchio concept art painter. Link However, onething I wished to learn and still havn't was how he painted the simple not so dramatic but still existent lighting and overall mood of everything without painting everything all together. Because working like this, watery but detailed...every object was almost having had to be painted one by one. only the very first few washes was in big shapes and general areas. But even that, the white areas had to be kept white. That must mean the artist would have know where everything was going to go first off the bat...hmm..I wonder. But then again, he/or she wasn't copying a piece.xD

A painting that I really am not proud of that I am not even gonna bother the first time scanning it had failed. What I really failed to do in the big and final one was capturing the lighting and pushing for contrast and depth. It was hard pushing for darks in the darks. I don't want to say this, but maybe using black would have helped me..but not really..stillll..sigh
Working as a whole was another thing. And my design was so simple to begin was, depth and lighting was especially important to make such a big painting appealing and more engaging.
Bad painting. Bad bad painting of ugly flat blueness.
(Except the heart. because I like bloody hearts?xD aha..wanted to do something scarier okey?)

Last little bit of this blog..

I fixed it really quickly..xD That lamp thing is gone now..that is all.xD